Student essays for college
Rabbit Proof Fence Essay Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Federalists Essay
Linda Kerber depicted the binds of the Federalists, an ideological group whose individuals expected that famous popular government may turn crazy. In spite of the fact that the two of them encouraged financial turn of events, the Federalists knew that a urban grassroots would result. The devotees of the Federalist Party accepted that Jefferson’s way to deal with legislative issues was guileless. The beginning periods of industrialization and urban development were giving the elements of an average workers; previously existing was an unusual class of for all time poor who likely could be accessible for crowd activity. The God or the strict convictions of the Federalists regularly seemed to act like a fourth part of Government. They accepted that strict commitment would strengthen moral commitment and would make well known government systematic and stable. Then again the Jeffersonian supporters felt they should separate the boundary of ongoing ethical quality (religion), with the interference of instruction, propensity and strange notions they were certain they would have an increasingly positive bad habit. Drew R. McCoy discussed â€Å"The Fears of the Jeffersonian Republicans†. Jefferson and his supporters anticipated the difficulties for the eventual fate of the United States. They were dreadful of making a needy class; he imagined gigantic tracts of land being cultivated by honest occupants of the youthful republic. In keeping their autonomy from the British they supported creation â€Å"within our families†, yet for the better fabricates, they would keep on depending on importations from abroad. New types of work should have been made so as to maintain the good and political preferences of America up. The biggest feelings of dread were of an uprising of the average workers individuals and autonomous transformations. Ben Franklin perceived that debasement could result from both normal and fake causes. Jefferson was constantly confronted with the truth of his arrangement bombing continually helped by the idea to remember the decay of the Roman Empire. I saw this Chapter as the hardest to peruse, I examined different sources to comprehend and get past the legislative issues of this section. I found the web site www. answers. com/point/republicans-jeffersonian to be generally useful. The perusing and judicious was made for the first year recruit U. S. History understudy. I had the option to recognize the way that the Federalists Convention was the way toward breaking liberated from the British Empire. By the mid-eighteenth century a huge extent of grown-up white guys in the states had the testimonial while likewise getting a charge out of the benefits of a free press and some opportunity of strict love The settlements as it were, had become separated from the homeland, their occupants had started to consider themselves Americans, and, as anyone might expect, they demonstrated unwelcoming to endeavors to carry them to fortify.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Understand the role of the Social Care Worker Essay Example for Free
Comprehend the job of the Social Care Worker Essay Simulated intelligence: Three contrasts between a working relationship and an individual relationship are: A working relationship is a relationship that remaining parts proficient inside the work environment where as an individual relationship you may invest energy with somebody jobless hours. An individual relationship is a relationship where data sharing is boundless yet a working relationship data sharing is on a need to know premise with associates, occupants and different experts. An individual relationship is one of decision with somebody you like and offer basic interests where as a working relationship might be with somebody you may not for the most part be companions with yet need to shape a group with that individual and work under specific standards. Aii: One case of a working relationship in a grown-up social consideration setting is the connection among carer and occupant. This relationship is significant as you have to keep up an expert obligation of care. Another model would be between the senior in control and the G.P. At the point when a G.P comes to see an inhabitant that is ineffectively they are depending on the carers and the senior in control to illuminate them regarding any adjustments in that occupant so they should be proficient consistently. Aiii: It is significant that social consideration laborers work in organization with people utilizing the administration and their families since we as a whole have a typical enthusiasm for doing whats best for the individual and keeping them from hurt. The administration client is there in light of the fact that they might not have somebody that can care for them the manner in which they need consequently including families and help to improve the manner in which you care for them. For instance, you may imagine that â€Å"Doris†may like heading to sleep at 10pm consistently yet is in every case tired during the day subsequent to getting up at 7am. The family can reveal to you that in actuality â€Å"Doris†used to hit the sack at 9pm and likes getting up at 8am when she was at home. It isâ essential to set up and keep up a decent working relationship with family as they can likewise assist with beating any correspondence issues you may have with that administration client and furthermore discover their inclinations for food decisions. It’s about individual focused consideration. The inhabitant is less open to maltreatment as there are away from and desires for the social consideration laborers relationship. Aiv: Three different ways of working that can help improve organization working are: Involve the inhabitant in all dynamic in regards to their consideration gets ready for instance what time they like to go bed, regardless of whether they lean toward a shower or shower and in the event that they like to go out on arranged excursions Give them a decision at dinner times and what they might want to wear that day Try to advance their autonomy by giving them however much do to without anyone else as could reasonably be expected for them without permitting them to battle and that somebody is there on the off chance that they need a hand. Av: At the point when individuals with various perspectives, abilities and mastery cooperate there might be differences about the most ideal path forward. Here is five unique aptitudes or approaches that may help settle struggle. 1.By tuning in to each side may support you and others see that your way may or not be the most ideal way 2.By trading off you can make sense of the best result by considering every single imaginable arrangement 3.Stay quiet. On the off chance that you begin to lose your temper than the issue isnt going to get settled 4.Communication is vital. By talking it through all of you may think of an appropriate arrangement as a group 5.By utilizing an individual focused methodology everybody has the inhabitants eventual benefits on the most fundamental level. Avi: Two manners by which you could acquire backing and exhortation about working in organization and settling clashes are by conversing with partners and senior individuals from staff. They may have more understanding and information when managing clashes or association working. The administrator can help you by offering an expert answer for clashes and follow the objections methodology. In the event that fundamental the director will empower you to get to peace making preparing or whatever other preparing that might be applicable. Undertaking B Bi: Concurred methods of working methods: That you should stay up with the latest with enactment Follow arrangements and methods Work inside your expected set of responsibilities Work inside your set of accepted rules Work in accordance with care measures Bii: Its essential to have forward-thinking insights about the concurred methods of working in such a case that a bit of enactment changes, as they do consistently, you have to recognize what is anticipated from you. At the point when I was pregnant so as to keep myself, my associates and the inhabitants safe my expected set of responsibilities changed marginally and my new concurred methods of working were refreshed normally. These changed back when I came back to work in the wake of having the child. Biii: Where I am not prepared in giving prescription if I somehow happened to do this errand I would be subject if something somehow happened to turn out badly. I don't complete errands that are not inside my expected set of responsibilities and that I have not been prepared in as these are not inside my concurred methods of working. Its critical to follow these rules with the goal that I don't make hurt myself, my partners or the occupants.
Monday, July 20, 2020
Credit Tier Breakdown, Part Two Good Credit
Credit Tier Breakdown, Part Two Good Credit Credit Tier Breakdown, Part 2: Good Credit Credit Tier Breakdown, Part 2: Good CreditWelcome back to our ongoing series on credit scoresâ€"from the very top to the very bottom. Here well discuss the impact a credit score in this tier will have on the loans available to you and the interest rates you can expect to be charged. Were also going to show you how to begin improving your score.If you haven’t already done so, take a few minutes and check out our first entry, which covers Great Credit, or scores from 720-850. For this second entry, we’ll be looking at Good Credit: 680-719.What Kind of Loans Can You Get?If you have a score between 680 and 719, then you have a generally good record of using credit, but there is still something holding you back from reaching your full credit potential. It could be that your credit card balances are a bit high (above 35 percent of your total credit limit), or that you forgot to pay a bill or two sometime in the past couple of years.Either way, you’re still going to qualify for most k inds of financial products. According to Roslyn Lash AFC ®, Founder of Youth Smart Financial Education Services @RosLash, “A person with a good credit score can get better interest rates which translates into a lower payment. There are other benefits too, such as lower insurance premiums, less expensive car payments, and even a better chance of employment.If you have good credit and want a credit card, you can just choose from one of the many offers you probably have piling up on your dining room table. Getting a car should be a snap too. Sure, you might have to settle for a slightly less expensive model (or a nice used car) if you want to get a good rate, but you’ll definitely be able to find something that works.The same goes for buying a house. With a credit score in this range, you’ll certainly qualify for a mortgage loan, but the rates you’ll get might mean going for a slightly less expensive home. Instead of the 4-bed, 3-bath, maybe the 3-bed, 2-bath is a better financ ial fit. Just make sure that you read your contract thoroughly because in this range you are slightly more vulnerable to predatory housing lenders.One area where you’ll run into issues qualifying for a loan is with an unsecured loan from a traditional lending institution like a bank. These loans do not involve any collateralâ€"which is property that the lender can claim if you don’t pay them backâ€"so these loans are approved entirely on whether or not the lender thinks you can repay. Your credit score is absolutely crucial for these loans, and you might find yourself getting turned downâ€"especially if you’re asking for a larger loan to consolidate your other debt.What kind of Interest Rates Can You Get?Remember, your FICO credit score is basically like a letter grade for the information credit report. It takes every bill you’ve paid, every balance you’ve carried over month-to-month, and every loan you’ve taken out and it spits out a three-digit number that tells lender s, “This is how person X handles borrowing money.â€A score in this range tells lenders that you are generally good with credit, but that you still represent a risk. If they lend you too much money at too low a rate, there is a chance that you will not pay the loan backâ€"costing them thousands of dollars in the process.That’s why borrowers with good credit scores see higher rates than borrowers with great credit. These scores are good enough that people aren’t going to be denied outright (except for certain unsecured personal loans), but they are low enough the lenders are going to need to protect themselves.According to Lash, “A person with a 690 credit score would pay $976 monthly for a $200k 30-year mortgage. However, someone with a lower score of 650 would receive a higher interest rate and a payment of $1,053. Over the life of the loan, thats $27,560 more! Same house, different score and different payment.â€Using the MyFico Loan Savings Calculator, you will find tha t a person with a 690 credit score who was applying for a 60-month, $30,000 auto loan would pay an interest rate of 4.857 percent. Compare that to the 3.512 rate that a borrower with a 790 score would pay. Over the life of the loan, the borrower with the 690 score would pay an additional $1,096 compared to the borrower with the 760 score.As for credit cards, personal finance reporter J.R. Duren (@jr_duren) says that “Most credit cards have three tiers of APRs than range from, on average, 16% to 25%. Middle-of-the-road credit scores may be able to snag the occasional low rate, but expect to get the middle rate, which hovers around 19-21%.â€What Can I Do to Improve My Score?First things first, if you haven’t requested a copy of your credit report, do that. Under federal law, you are entitled to one free copy of your credit report per year from each of the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. (For those keeping score at home, that’s a grand total of thr ee free scores per year.)You can request a free copy of your report by going to Once you have your report, you should go over it with a fine-tooth comb looking for two things: errors and clues. Information can differ between the credit bureausâ€"mistakes tooâ€"so its a good idea to get all three reports to compare them.Errors are information on your report that’s just plain wrong. Maybe there’s a credit card you paid off that is still showing a balance, or maybe you had a bill sent to collections that you paid in full but the collections account is still showing up as open. Whatever the error is, you should report it to the bureau immediately. For more information, check out what the Federal Trade Commission recommends when it comes to disputing errors on credit reports.Clues are a bit different. A clue on your credit report is something that points you towards why your score isn’t as high as it could be. There are many different activities that can din g your credit, but the two biggest things are your payment history and your amounts owed. Missed or late payments or collections notices against you are going to bring down your score quite a bit, as will carrying balances above 35 percent on your credit cards.While paying down those balances will help your credit score substantially, credit expert Chella Diaz (@ChellaDiazMoney) is clear on the fact that you should not stop using your credit cards altogether. She suggests that you keep using your cards to pay for things like gas and groceries to keep them active.That is the biggest mistake people make when they want to increase their credit score,†says Diaz. “If there is no activity on the account, the credit card companies consider the account dead.â€Having your account closed out will reduce your amount of available credit, which means that the amount of credit you’re using will go up. That will mean paying down even more of your outstanding debt before you see any improve ment in your score.Want to learn more about how your FICO score and your credit reports work? Check out our QA with Rod Griffin, Education Director for Experian.About the Contributors:Roslyn Lash, is an Accredited Financial Counselor and the founder of Youth Smart Financial Education Services. She specializes in youth financial education, adult coaching and works virtually with adults helping them navigate through their personal finances i.e. budgeting, debt, and credit repair. Her advice has been featured in national publications such as USA Today, TIME, Huffington Post, NASDAQ, Los Angeles Times, and a host of other media outlets.J.R. Duren, is a personal finance reporter for He covers credit cards, credit scores, student loans and other topics important to consumers’ financial life.Chella Diaz, is a mom, author, speaker and consultant. She empowers parents with young children to set up their kids to be their own bank. She facilitates workshops for college stu dents. One of Chella’s greatest strengths is showing people the ways they can save money so they always have money for the things that are most important. You are the boss and the money is your employee. How are you going to manage it?
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Memory and Nature Wordsworths Tintern Abbey
First published in William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s groundbreaking joint collection, Lyrical Ballads (1798), â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey†is among the most famous and influential of Wordsworth’s odes. It embodies the crucial concepts Wordsworth set out in his preface to Lyrical Ballads, which served as a manifesto for Romantic poetry. Key Concepts of Romantic Poetry Poems made â€Å"by fitting to metrical arrangement a selection of the real language of men in a state of vivid sensation,†choosing â€Å"incidents and situations from common life ... in a selection of language really used by men.†The language of poetry used to delineate â€Å"the primary laws of our nature ... the essential passions of the heart ... our elementary feelings ... in a state of simplicity.†Poems designed solely to give â€Å"immediate pleasure to a human Being possessed of that information which may be expected from him, not as a lawyer, a physician, a mariner, an astronomer, or a natural philosopher, but as a Man.†Poems illustrating the truth of â€Å"man and nature as essentially adapted to each other, and the mind of man as naturally the mirror of the fairest and most interesting properties of nature.†Good poetry as â€Å"the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity: t he emotion is contemplated till, by a species of reaction, the tranquillity gradually disappears, and an emotion, kindred to that which was before the subject of contemplation, is gradually produced and does itself actually exist in the mind.†Notes on Form â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey,†like many of Wordsworth’s early poems, takes the form of a monologue in the first-person voice of the poet, written in blank verseâ€â€unrhymed iambic pentameter. Because the rhythm of many of the lines has subtle variations on the fundamental pattern of five iambic feet (da DUM / da DUM / da DUM / da DUM / da DUM) and because there are no strict end-rhymes, the poem must have seemed like prose to its first readers, who were accustomed to the strict metrical and rhyming forms and the elevated poetic diction of 18th-century neo-classical poets like Alexander Pope and Thomas Gray. Instead of an obvious rhyme scheme, Wordsworth worked many more subtle echoes into his line endings: â€Å"springs ... cliffs†â€Å"impress ... connect†â€Å"trees ... seem†â€Å"sweet ... heart†â€Å"behold ... world†â€Å"world ... mood ... blood†â€Å"years ... matured†And in a few places, separated by one or more lines, there are full rhymes and repeated end-words, which create a special emphasis simply because they are so rare in the poem: â€Å"thee ... thee†â€Å"hour ... power†â€Å"decay ... betray†â€Å"lead ... feed†â€Å"gleams ... stream†One further note about the poem’s form: In just three places, there is a mid-line break, between the end of one sentence and the beginning of the next. The meter is not interruptedâ€â€each of these three lines is five iambsâ€â€but the sentence break is signified not only by a period but also by an extra vertical space between the two parts of the line, which is visually arresting and marks an important turn of thought in the poem. Notes on Content Wordsworth announces at the very beginning of â€Å"Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey†that his subject is memory, that he is returning to walk in a place he has been before, and that his experience of the place is all bound together with his memories of being there in the past. Five years have past; five summers, with the lengthOf five long winters! and again I hearThese waters, rolling from their mountain-springsWith a soft inland murmur. Wordsworth repeats â€Å"again†or â€Å"once again†four times in the poem’s first section description of the â€Å"wild secluded scene,†the landscape all green and pastoral, a fitting place for â€Å"some Hermit’s cave, where by his fire / The Hermit sits alone.†He has walked this lonely path before, and in the second section of the poem, he is moved to appreciate how the memory of its sublime natural beauty has succored him. ...’mid the dinOf towns and cities, I have owed to themIn hours of weariness, sensations sweet,Felt in the blood, and felt along the heart;And passing even into my purer mind,With tranquil restoration... And more than succor, more than simple tranquility, his communion with the beautiful forms of the natural world has brought him to a kind of ecstasy, a higher state of being. Almost suspended, we are laid asleepIn body, and become a living soul:While with an eye made quiet by the powerOf harmony, and the deep power of joy,We see into the life of things. But then another line is broken, another section begins, and the poem turns, its celebration giving way to a tone almost of lament, because he knows he is not the same thoughtless animal child who communed with nature in this place years ago. That time is past,And all its aching joys are now no more,And all its dizzy raptures. He has matured, become a thinking man, the scene is infused with memory, colored with thought, and his sensibility is attuned to the presence of something behind and beyond what his senses perceive in this natural setting. A presence that disturbs me with the joyOf elevated thoughts; a sense sublimeOf something far more deeply interfused,Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns,And the round ocean and the living air,And the blue sky, and in the mind of man;A motion and a spirit, that impelsAll thinking things, all objects of all thought,And rolls through all things. These are the lines that have led many readers to conclude that Wordsworth is proposing a kind of pantheism, in which the divine permeates the natural world, everything is God. Yet it seems almost as if he is trying to convince himself that his layered appreciation of the sublime is really an improvement over the thoughtless ecstasy of the wandering child. Yes, he has healing memories he can carry back to the city, but they also permeate his present experience of the beloved landscape, and it seems that memory in some way stands between his self and the sublime. In the last section of the poem, Wordsworth addresses his companion, his beloved sister Dorothy, who has presumably been walking with him but has not yet been mentioned. He sees his former self in her enjoyment of the scene: in thy voice I catchThe language of my former heart, and readMy former pleasures in the shooting lightsOf thy wild eyes. And he is wistful, not certain, but hoping and praying (even though he uses the word â€Å"knowing†). ... that Nature never did betrayThe heart that loved her; ’tis her privilege,Through all the years of this our life, to leadFrom joy to joy: for she can so informThe mind that is within us, so impressWith quietness and beauty, and so feedWith lofty thoughts, that neither evil tongues,Rash judgments, nor the sneers of selfish men,Nor greetings where no kindness is, nor allThe dreary intercourse of daily life,Shall e’er prevail against us, or disturbOur cheerful faith, that all which we beholdIs full of blessings. Would that it were so. But there is an uncertainty, a hint of mournfulness underneath the poet’s declamations.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Chilling Torture at Abu Ghraib Prison Essay - 630 Words
When the news of torture at Abu Ghraib prison broke in early 2004 during the â€Å"global war on terror,†much of the public was outraged and did not know how to react. Heavy debate began over the issue and media reporters on the issues took sides. Many books were written about the subject. The conservatives attempted to downsize the issues and take the side that it was simply ‘bored’ and ‘tense’ soldiers trying to blow off a little steam with horseplay. However, the photographs that surface said quite differently. Naked photographs of prisoners engaged in simulated sexual acts, deceased prisoners in sexual poses and prisoners tied up and left for dead tell the chilling story of the terror and torture behind the prison walls. Did the US do†¦show more content†¦I feel as though these are not the isolated actions of a few â€Å"bad apples,†but rather is carefully laid out and systematic torture. This war was kick started to overthrow th e rain and restore democracy in Iraq. This was a war for human rights of Iraqi people. Marxist criminology is just one of the criminological schools. It is very much centered on the work of structural functionalism criminologists and parallels it very closely on the focus of what produces ‘stability and continuity in society.’ However, it is different in the approach in the sense that it looks at a predestined ‘political philosophy.’ Marxists focus on why things change and are quick to identify what disrupts life in industrialized nations. They describe how society is divided up into slices and how slices of the pie include power, wealth, prestige, and the perceptions of the world. Most theories of crime tend to be ‘ahistorical.’ â€Å"They do not treat the question of how the material conditions of society and crime evolve together as relevant to the study of crime†(Chambliss, 1974, page 25). For Marxists this is a problem because ahi storical theories fail to link the phenomenon under investigation – in this case, crime. Ahistorical theories attempt to reason that crime occurs outside of social systems and is something that develops on its own. Two important elements developShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The 3303 Words  | 14 Pagesone way or the other. For so long the actions of the United States have been rationalized simply as; the ends justify the means, but the manner in which â€Å"peace†is being achieved is revealed, such as in the My Lai massacre and the tortures within the Abu Ghraib Prison, the country cowardly points its fingers towards the perpetrators. Instead of showing the corruption of the system they plead innocent and hand to us on a silver platter, the executioners of those evil actions. American soldiers haveRead MoreThe Visceral Politics of V for Vendetta: On Politica Affect in Cinema6851 Words  | 28 Pagesthe bombing, and promises the citys dispirited citizens that he will destroy the Houses of Parliament in exactly one year. V then begins to systematically exact revenge against various government officials who had tortured him or authorized his torture during his imprisonment at the Larkhill Medical Research Institute years earlier. A somewhat reluctant ally in these acts of retribution, Evey is c aptured and repeatedly tortured for information about V. But she remains defiant even under the threat
Summary of the Omnivore’s Dilemma Free Essays
Human Ethology Bulletin, October 2007] The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals By Michael Pollan Penguin Press, New York, NY. 2006, 450pp. ISBN 1? 59420? 082? 3 [Hdbk. We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of the Omnivore’s Dilemma or any similar topic only for you Order Now , $26. 95] Reviewed by William F. McKibbin and Todd K. Shackelford Florida Atlantic University, Dept. of Psychology, Davie, FL 33314 USA [E-mail: wmckibbi@fau. edu, tshackel@fau. edu] The Omnivore’s Dilemma is the latest book by Michael Pollan, best known for his previous best? selling work, The Botany of Desire. Here, Pollan has crafted a well? written and enjoyable exploration of humans’ relationship with food. The book is written for a lay audience, but is appreciable by all. Pollan begins by focusing on a seemingly simple question, â€Å"What should we have for dinner? † The answer, it seems, is not so simple for omnivores like us. Pollan guides the reader by examining the three major types of food production and divides the book into these three areas: Industrial (focusing on the modern food industry’s reliance on corn), Pastoral (focusing on organic food production, both â€Å"big† and â€Å"small† scale), and Personal (focusing on personally hunting and gathering one’s food). The first, Industrial section of the book demonstrates that nearly everything we consume in Western society, particularly in America, is in some way derived from corn. The processed foods that seem a staple of modern living are derived largely (if not wholly) from corn. Even foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, and beef are essentially derived from corn: cows, chickens, and fish are coerced to consume a food that to them is highly unnatural. If w How to cite Summary of the Omnivore’s Dilemma, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Under Armour Company
PESTEL Analysis Macro-environmental factors affecting a company’s performance in market are uncontrollable forces from the external operations. These factors cannot be controlled and only require a change in the business marketing, management, operations and production processes. The factors are analysed using PESTEL model; implying analysis of political, economic, social, technological, and legal issues.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Under Armour Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Legal consideration The Under Armour Company is based in Baltimore and it operates within the confines of the State’s laws. The company operates within the business structural laws that govern the business operatives in the state of Maryland. Since the Under Armour Company also operates in international markets such as Japan, UK, Germany, Canada, and France, it has to adhere to the other laws that govern comp anies that operative across the globe in order to facilitate smooth operations. Since the Under Armour Company is a registered local and international business with no record of unethical practices, the legal factors are not intense towards the operation of the business and have minimal impacts. The adherence has facilitated a smooth activity of the Under Armour Company all over the globe. For instance, the company has expanded from the US to continents such as Europe and Asia. Technological Consideration Technological macro-environmental factors are designed to affect business operatives in the global sphere. The type of machinery that a company opts to use in the production of its products and offer its services, the strategic measures it takes in the marketing process, and its accessibility has a lot of impact on the market. Companies with innovative skills in their production lines and those using online marketing strategies are highly likely to have higher number of customers. The Service Oriented Architecture is a technological initiative by the Under Armour Company, which enables the management to monitor general trends in performance at a glance and spot out any existing bottlenecks that could be slowing down business. The speed with which this happens helps the management to put corrective measures into place that eventually averts losses or negative growth. These technological advances have attracted more customers from diverse sports backgrounds due to the improved product orientation as evident in the success of the football cleats product in the US and European market.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Cultural consideration The cultural set up and the population are a major key to the social concerns. The Under Armour Company is set against a social background with a population of dynamic social and cultural orientation. For instance, the US, Canadian, European, and Asian markets consist of highly stratified cultures that the company must satisfy in its lines of sportswear and other gaming apparel. Against this background, the company has ensured that its products are not highly priced while still maintaining quality productions. For instance, despite the high quality products, the prices for the Under Armour Company’s products are flexible to the high-end, middle-end, and low-end customers across the globe. The main advantage that the company relies on is that the targeted population has a big following and fun for sports. In addition to its base market in the US, the Under Armour Company has extended its sales to the new markets outside American such as Europe (UK, Germany, and France), Asia (Japan), and Canada. In achieving this goal, its products have been customized to be cultural sensitive and be able to be used across the global environment. Economic consideration The global market cycles has a grea t impact on the business operation both in the present and the future. The economic boom, recession, and any kind of inflation cause the business to make drastic measures to withstand the challenges of existence. Predictions of these economic factors are very difficult to estimate since their studies vary a lot based on the school of thought. The market swings as a result of competition and economic depression are a real threat to the survival of the Under Armour Company since it operates in a very dynamic market that is directly affected by changed customer preferences and economic downturn. Comparative foreign exchange also affects the Under Armour Company since it conducts global transactions in the foreign markets, that is, differences in the value of money at the points of production and destination markets has immensely impact on the earnings from exports of the company. Measures should therefore be undertaken to ensure that this concern does not create a negative impact t o the Company’s operations. Political considerations The closer economic relations in the US, Europe, and Asia have benefited the Under Armour’s business performance for a long time. These regions enjoy political stability which is a perfect environment for doing business for the company. This is a good assurance for shareholders, both domestic and foreign, that their investment is safe and it is an incentive to them to add even more.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Under Armour Company specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With continued political stability, the Under Armour Company is poised to grow and expand even more as many investors are assured of safety in the event that they decide to put their money into the venture. There are no fears of political wars and uprisings that can affect the Under Armour Company’s business performance in the current target markets. Porters Value Chain A nalysis The Under Armour Company is focused on supplying its consumers with premium products that suit their needs and experiences. The company premises are furnished in luxurious manner that attracts potential consumers from all categories in the market. The company’s commitment to high ethical values is demonstrated through the value network and chain. The company value chain commences with the development of products through own factories, independent manufactures and acquisition of licensed accessory supplies from partners, especially in Japan. As a global company, the Under Armour Company management considers standardised and system supported supply and production process as success factors. Minority of the company’s full line products are supplied by independent and commissioned producers while majority are produced by the company’s own factories. The high self-production is significant for the Under Armour Company as it covers the portion of its tradition al ready-to-wear product range which enables the company to gain expertise and optimise on both the product quality and availability. As opposed to its competitors which produce their products from central points, the strategy to spread production points around the world consolidates its supply networks and strengthens its long-term partnerships. Moreover, the spread of the sourcing volume across the global network of suppliers spreads risks and makes the company independent of any single sourcing location and manufacturer. From the manufacturing and supply points, the Under Armour Company products are distributed either through company’s own retail stores or through independent store owners and super markets as in the case in Europe and Asia. Organization Culture The physical structures of the Under Armour’s organization culture promotes positive relationship between favourable and effective job performance and work environment as attributes of motivation and congenia l conditions. The structure encourages security, comfort and safety, and prevailing physical convenience.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Measuring factors such as interpersonal relations, working conditions, support and trust, welfare provisions, and work environment has greatly contributed to the organizational effectiveness in terms of product innovation and diversification. At present the Under Armour Company has more than six product lines. The Under Armour Company has three building blocks of learning such as a supportive learning environment, concrete learning processes, and practices leadership that reinforce innovation. The managers play a significant role in setting up the learning environment for their employees. This culture has created an ideal climate for innovation and communication among the employees. The Under Armour Company’s management has been working to fill the corporate culture with life to instigate individual employees to bring their commitments, personal skills and enthusiasm to the company, contributing to success of the company globally. Furthermore, the company thrives on employee diversity to beat its rivals. The Under Armour Company is characterised by diversity and internationality, in the local and international product lines in Asia and Europe. The diversity and internationality of the company employees does not only represent the enrichment of the corporate culture, but also demonstrate a clear success factor of the company in its international competition. The management competency has enabled the company to earn good reputation through provision of well aligned products that ensures consumer experiences. Moreover, the Under Armour Company management emphasise on follow-up of their customers to understand what they say regarding their products. This has enabled the company to improve its products to suit consumer needs. Business Approach The business approach of the Under Armour Company is organic growth since its expansion has been necessitated by the increasing customer base and demand for different product lines. For instance, the growth from the ye ar 2005 to 2008 was inspired by market expansion and introduction of extra product lines with high demand in the local and international markets. Besides, the company has successfully adopted the integrated perspective to launch new product lines targeting different customer segments. For instance, the successful launch of the football cleat in 2006 further expanded the company market to include the women, children, and youths. From the inception of the company, the business strategy has always followed a strategic plan in physical growth and market growth within the US and external markets. For instance, the company applied its previous expansion plan within the US market to move into the European market. The plan involved proactive market engagement, systematic research, and constant innovation and product improvement. The company uses the international diversity perspective to ensure that foreign markets are served with products that match their culture and expectations. For inst ance, in order to penetrate in the European and Asian market, the company partnered with local stores and outlets to ensure that the products sold in such markets are market oriented. BCG Matrix and Competitors The Under Armour Company has been strategic in product introduction to minimize cases of failure. As part of its long-term strategic value creation, the Under Armour Company decided to diversify its products to target the women and youth segment in the year 2006. Besides, the company has created several apparels such as the footwear and accessories besides the license revenues. Apparently, the men wear has the highest market share followed by the women wear. The accessories are categorized in the cash cow matrix since they have high market share of 29% for the company despite the low growth. However, the licensing revenues have the lowest market share in the company’s market control matrix of less that 10%. The Under Armour Company faces very strong competition from es tablished sports apparel companies in the global market. Moreover, there are still more local companies entering the global apparel market. Given in table 1 below are some of the key competitors in the apparel industry. Table 1: The Under Armour Company main competitors Name Establishment and Operations Products Targets and market share Competitive advantage Nike Established in 1962 and currently operates globally. Deals in apparel and accessories. Targets customers of all ages interested in sports products. The company has a market share of 16.4% in the US. Diverse products, affordable prices, household name, and global operation. Addidas AG Established in Italy in 1948 and operates in global market. Deals in apparel and accessories. Targets customers of all ages interested in sports products. The company has a market share of 13.4% in the US. Specialised and diverse products that are affordable and associated with quality. Russell Athletics Founded in 1978 Capitalises on freelance sports designs and apparel. The company has a market share of 3.5% in the US. Diverse designs and ability to offer series of products to different groups of potential customers. Porters Five Forces Porter’s five forces analysis is necessary for the Under Armour Company as it assists in comprehension of the market strengths and weaknesses. Table 1 below summarises Porter’s five forces with regards to the Under Armour Company. Table 2: Porter’s five forces analysis Competition Rivalry Determinants of buyer power Threat of Substitution Determinants of supplier power Threat of new entries The Under Armour Company faces rivalry from both the local companies and international companies in all regions in which it competes. The key rivals are listed in table 1. Customer power is high in most of the market environments in which the Under Armour Company operates in North America and Western Europe. With the substitutes in the market, the consumers may de cide to shift if they feel unsatisfied with the Under Armour Company products. Moreover, the cost of switching products for the consumers is quite low. The threat of substitute products is high in the sports apparel industry. Some customers would also opt for ordinary apparel rather than designer fashions. The supplier power in the industry is quite high. With the national and international laws ensuring that suppliers are treated fairly, the company does not yield more power over them. The threat of new entrants into the fashion market is quite high. Although the market place is already having many companies, more companies are entering the marketing to seize opportunities that are not yet exploited. Business Strategy Diamond Analysis The business strategy diamond analysis reviews the elements of arena, vehicles, staging, differentiators, and economic logic. In relation to the Under Armour Company, strategy diamond analysis encompasses proactive interaction of these elements to create a strategic business. In relation to the diamond analysis, under the element of arena, the most active product category is that of men and it accounts for 34% of the total revenues. Despite the product presence in Europe, Canada, and Asia, the US market is the most active and commands 96% of the company’s revenues. The apparel category is more active than the footwear and the licensing revenues for the company. Under the element of vehicles, the company has been proactive in licensing and joint venture, especially with the foreign market as part of its internalisation strategy. This has been successful as evident in its expansion into Germany, Japan, the UK, Canada, and France. The main differentiation strategies for the Under Armour Company include product reliability, styling, and price. The company has three pricing categories for the high-end, middle, and low-end customers. The Under Armour Company products are developed to guarantee customer comfort. In addition, all the product lines (footwear and apparel) are very stylish. The company has a sequence of initiatives such as product diversification. In the years 2004, 2005, and 2006, the company managed to roll out new products and stores that were very colourful and easy to notice. The economic logic of the above strategies was to provide premium products at competitive prices to ensure that company survives competition from giants such as Addidas and Nike. Competitive Advantage Analysis The Under Armour Company has established a brand image that enables it to attract customers with less effort as opposed to most of its less established rivals. The entrants have to invest heavily in promotion and advertising for them to attract new customers and maintain their customers. The established brand image has enabled the company to cut on its cost and get increased levels of profitability. Strong commitment to quality and product innovation enables the company to get the right experience for their customers. Moreover, the company conducts more market research to ascertain customer thoughts and changing demands. Having been in the fashion industry for over 10 years, the Under Armour Company has acquired enough experience to compete favourably in the industry. It has had sufficient time to learn from its weaknesses and develop long-term strategies that will anchor it through the market future. Fast adopting the emergent technological changes, the Under Armour Company has invested in technological creativity to suit its consumer changing needs. Finally, the company has been able to win more customers with its strategically-placed and ambient stores with conspicuous features such as attractive colours besides diverse quality sports apparel and footwear for all ages and gender. Recommendations The Under Armour Company should ponder introducing trade-offs to its products in countries which do not have strict laws that protect the business, when expanding further to other foreign ma rkets. Countries like China do not have strict rules which protect business entities from being copied by competitors. In safeguarding its products’ brands and making sure that it is not imitated by the local firms, the Under Armour Company should ensure that it introduces measures in its operative process that would make it distinct from any firm. The introduction of trade-offs should be applied while ensuring that the amount of revenue collected do not decrease. The Under Armour Company may partner which medium businesses retailing products similar to those of its competitors. This strategy will expand its market and make it easy for customers to access the products. When properly implemented, the company is likely to counter the strategy of its competitors, such as Nike and Addidas, of reaching the customers through proxy retailers. This case study on Under Armour Company was written and submitted by user Angela W. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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